Poster session

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1) Seydou-Samba Diop

Anisotropic exchange and non-collinear antiferromagnets on a non-centrosymmetric fcc structure as in the half-Heuslers

poster preview  BBB room

2) Dolf Huybrechts

Arnoldi-Lindblad time evolution: Faster-than-the-clock algorithm for the spectrum of (Floquet) open quantum systems

poster preview  BBB room

3) Francesco Boccardo

Controlling the shape of small clusters with and without macroscopic fields

poster preview  BBB room

4) Yann-Edwin Keta

Disordered collective motion in dense assemblies of persistent particles

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5) Piyush Jeena

Engineering magnetic frustration with impurities

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6) Geoffroy Haeseler

Kasteleyn transition in the pyrochlore monopole crystal phase

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7) David Billington

Metallic signatures in the bulk electron momentum density of SmB6

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8) Edward Riordan

Multiple relaxation channels in spin ice materials CdEr2Se4 and CdEr2S4 under applied magnetic fields.

poster preview  BBB room

9) Flavien Museur

Quantum aspects of fragmentation in spin ices

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10) Soheli Mukherjee

Study of spin-1 model in presence of disorder

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11) Vassilios Kapaklis

Thermal magnetic texture fluctuations in coupled mesospin systems

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